Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Sheriff Bill – Man-Up!

This is what a RED light looks like!
First, let me say that I empathize with your predicament as should all of your supporters. I also am of the opinion that you are the most qualified person we have a choice to select for our Sheriff. We have all failed to pay attention and unintentionally screwed up in our lives harming others we had no intention of harming. That is part of life. We are not perfect. However, as a very public elected official your situation is much different from ours. You see, if we had been driving someone else’s vehicle, run a red light, hit a another vehicle, knocked that vehicle into another persons vehicle we would be held to account, charged with the offense, paid the fines and court costs, and would be forced, by the courts if necessary, to compensate everyone damaged by our unintentional action. Hopefully, our insurance would help, but if not the responsibility would fall on us. The investigating officer would not cut us any slack for this type of offense.

Please allow me to place this in proper perspective. I walk miles in our downtown every day. My spouse walks miles downtown everyday. Once-in-awhile some of our six grandchildren walk with us. We have walked through that very intersection. Suppose your little event happened as the two of us and our six grandchildren were crossing the street? What then Sheriff Bill? This is the reason we have the laws we have and they should be obeyed. Should we screw up we must suffer the consequence of our actions for two reasons. One: That we learn a lesson that hopefully we will pay attention next time. Two: To establish examples for others so that they clearly understand that there will be consequences for their actions.

You and the law may consider yourself somewhat protected from the consequences of your actions because of your and the counties position. That doesn’t indicate that you must abide under the rules of that protection. My spouse stated it best, “he needs to man-up.” Yes, Sheriff Bill, you have been gifted with a perfect opportunity to prove that what you say you stand for is real. Do you stand for anything? Prove it! Here are my recommended actions and I am very sure most of your supporters and those opposed to you will agree.
  1. Demand that the investigating officer charge you with your illegal action. It is my opinion that this officer should be reprimanded by the police department for failing to charge you in this very clear and confessed infraction. Without doubt, had it been me, I would have a ticket and a court date.
  2. Plead guilty as charged and pay the fines and court costs.
  3. Pay for repair of OUR vehicle you damaged.
  4. Pay for the repair of the other vehicles you damaged.
  5. Pay for any medical expenses incurred by the occupants of the vehicles you damaged. 
  6. Pay for any city property which may have been damaged by the accident.
Forsyth Sherriff Bill Shatzman
Do so and we will accept that you are a man who stands behind his positions no mater what protections he might have under the law. Do so and we will all be confident that we elected the best person for Sheriff of Forsyth County. Look at it this way; thousands of our children have their eyes on you. What example will you set by your choices and actions? Next time you stand before them, how will you explain yourself? You have two choices, “I hid behind the laws” or “I chose to Man-Up.” Which will it be Sheriff Bill?

Ten's of thousands of eyes are on you. Welcome to the glass house!

Revised 6:30 AM Friday November 12, 2010

Without doubt there was considerable conversation on the streets, in the halls, offices, boardrooms and across the social networks of our Salem yesterday on this topic. Following several such conversations I posted this article at 4:55 PM yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. In all fairness it is imperative that I don't leave this hanging considering overnight happening addressed in this mornings Winston-Salem Journal. Please access the article by clicking on the link below:

 Thank you Sheriff Bill! It's is a new day in Salem.

Added Saturday November 13, 2010 


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